If you are looking for support groups or a community care center, contact us today. Hope Connection International can be reached by phone at (919) 377-1785.
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According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, death is not the only type of loss a person might experience grief over. We can grieve for life changes, such as the loss of financial security or divorce. However, of all the different things we can grieve, death is the most permanent. Although you must give yourself time to process events, it can help to join a support group. If you live in the Raleigh area, Hope Connection International meets each Wednesday at 7 PM. Keep a journal. Journaling is not exclusive to 14-year-olds with a secret crush. Writing down how you feel is an excellent way to get in touch with your emotions. Journaling can also help you identify your own personal goals, and reaching for these is an important step toward healing. Before you start writing things down, remember that you must move forward without fear of judgment. Although the things you do in the public may be scrutinized, what you write in your journal is truly for your eyes only. Having this positive outlet improves your mental well-being while giving you a safe space to express both positive and negative emotions. Live your dreams. Death has a funny way of reminding us that our time on earth is finite. This gives us more motivation to do things that truly make us happy, such as traveling more or implementing life changes that will bring us personal fulfillment. One example is starting your own business. Although the laws and regulations are different in each state, forming an LLC in NC is a great way to get started while also protecting your personal assets from serious business issues. There are many different types of businesses you can start that will enhance your life. These include anything from being a wedding planner to pet sitter. Get creative. Even if you don’t consider yourself particularly artistic, there is something cathartic about expressing yourself creatively. This might be poetry, art, or sculpting. Whatever you choose to do, don’t worry about how it might be perceived by others. Remember, art is subjective, and as long as you are happy during the process, it is a successful endeavor. Scripps Affiliated Medical Groups further point out that art enhances cognitive abilities, especially in seniors. Creativity may also come in the form of interpretive dance or playing music. Other Ideas A few other ways that you might consider to take care of yourself now include:
Grief is different for everyone. But, what is universal is that we must move forward, no matter how hard it is. Don’t feel pressured to heal immediately. You must take your time and do so only when you are ready. When you are, the steps above can help you get there while enjoying a little bit of life along the way. Comments are closed.