HEALING IS POSSIBLE. As Our Wounds Heal, We Become Functioning Members of the Community.
Group Overview
About the GroupWe base our support group on caring for each individual -- as they are. We simply know the way that works for us, and it’s realistic. We believe in caring for each other and actually being there for one another -- every day. We don’t expect perfection, because we understand the struggle and how difficult it becomes. We don’t pass judgment on anyone for anything they’ve done in their past. Simply again, because we have been there ourselves. Regardless of your personal faith, you will find this course to be helpful in your recovery -- and you will be surrounded by people that love you, just the way you are. |
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Not Just a "Weekly" Group
The Community Support Model
Healing happens when you are surrounded by people that understand what you
are going through.
We involve therapists, counselors, mentors, and community leaders who volunteer.
Our Leaders have:
Background Check
Our group leaders are well-trained, have passed our background check, and provide leadership and insight in a loving way, from a place of experience.