Empowering the connection that leads to parent-child healing
Every child wants to be seen and heard and known, and they need that connection most with the adults who are responsible for their care.
We believe it is impossible to help a child well without also supporting the systems that impact the child.
The Vulnerable Child empowers and supports existing connections for children and parents while helping to make the parent-child bond as strong and nurturing as possible.
Get Help with these common issues:
Our Objectives:
Provide parents and caregivers with scientifically informed and Biblically sound guidance in loving the whole child.
Increase emotional competency in both children and parents by expanding one’s emotional vocabulary and expressive skills.
Facilitate two-generation, integrative healing for children and parents by utilizing a healing timeline and expressive art.
Teach and encourage empathy in both child and parent through instruction, modeling, and practice.
Encourage secure attachments between child and parent(s) through the acquisition of emotional/spiritual skills that encourage deeper heart connections that are reinforced through modeling and practice.
Sign up now to get help!
Caring for the Vulnerable Child
Caring for the Vulnerable Child
Welcoming Children Who Have Experienced Neglect, Abandonment and Abuse
Caring for the Vulnerable Child is the foundational resource of a four piece, ten-module curricula that unfolds a linear, connecting sequence including educational lesson plans (1st – 3rd grade; 4th – 6th grade) and workbooks for both children and adults.
Caring for the Vulnerable Child book and workbook incorporate creative activities, games, grounding exercises and expressive art reflections to guide and equip parents/caregivers in establishing vital connections with children where they have not existed before.
Caring for the Vulnerable Child
My Journal for the Good and Hard Stuff
(Child Workbook)
A ten-chapter workbook for children that utilizes original art and interactive exercises to unlock a vulnerable child’s heart so that deeply buried pain can be expressed, and thus understood and responded to, by those the child trusts and loves.
Beautifully designed pages draw a child in while the expressive art exercises help him or her heal.
This Group Starts Again In September
Caring for the Vulnerable Child:
A Parent’s Journey to the Heart of a Child
(Parent or Caregiver Workbook)
This parent/caregiver workbook coordinates chapter by chapter with the child’s workbook, so that parents are supported and prepared to process the children’s workbook with their child.
A Parent’s Journey to the Heart of a Child will facilitate deeper connections between vulnerable children and the adults who love them by encouraging parents to: look back and reflect thoughtfully on their own childhood experiences; look inside to integrate deeply buried pain so that, they can look out and more effectively connect to the heart of their child.
The Community Support Model
Healing happens when you are surrounded by people that understand what you
are going through.
We involve therapists, counselors, mentors, and community leaders who volunteer.
Our Leaders have:
Background Check
Our group leaders are well-trained, have passed our background check, and provide leadership and insight in a loving way, from a place of experience.